Recent Work

The following, whilst not complete, highlights some recent work that I have been involved in.

September 2017: Sangeet wrote for the Education Business Online Magazine: Listening, Learning and Co-creating Solutions: A New Approach to Online Safety

Jun/July 2017
: Sangeet delivered workshops for primary and secondary educators in Singapore respectively on the themes of Promoting Cyberwellness, Digital Competence and Digital Citizenship for children and young people – in collaboration with the Principals Academy Inc.

12th of June 2017: Sangeet delivered a presentation at the Bradford Internet Safety Conference.

30th of Jan 2017: Sangeet organised and hosted a WISE KIDS Summit: Children, Young People & Online Media Summit: Promoting Digital Competence, Digital Citizenship & Wellbeing which was attended by more than 200 stakeholders. Key amongst them was young people who presented in the programme and participated throughout the day. To find out more click here.

15th of December 2016: Sangeet delivered a half-day programme for MCMC in Malaysia – on UK developments and interventions in tackling the online radicalisation of young people.

Sept-Nov 2015: Sangeet was invited to contribute as an Expert Advisory Panel member - a small group to guide the process of a strategic media review for the Raising Children Network in Australia. The work was being undertaken by the University of Western Sydney.

July-Sept 2015, Singapore: Sangeet delivered the WISE KIDS Short Course (SC)- Digital Leaders in Education programme for a group of 45 Singapore Ministry of Education Ed-Tech staff with ongoing support.

27th of August 2015: Sangeet delivered a pre-recorded video keynote session at the KL CONVERGE SYMPOSIUM on Empowering a Smart Nation, addressing issues of digital inclusion & ‪digital literacy‬. See:

12th and 13th of August 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Sangeet delivered the WISE KIDS Digitally Smart development training programme for the Royal Malaysian Police, the Attorney General’s Office, and NGOs.

9th of May 2015: Sangeet was delighted to be invited to participate on an International Panel session at the International Cyberbullying Summit, which was held over 2 days on the 7th and 9th of May, in Limerick, and at Facebook’s headquarters in Dublin respectively. This summit was organised by Parry Aftab, a leading lawyer from the US and pioneer in online safety, as well as founder of Wired Safety. The event featured high profile speakers such as Carol Todd (mother of Amanda Todd), Barbara Coloroso and Bill Shillings. The event also featured industry speakers from Google, Facebook, Most importantly, it involved more than 200 young people from schools in Ireland, who were closely involved in all the activities, and who were simply amazing. The event was sponsored by Facebook and Google.

24th and 25th of March 2015:
Sangeet chaired a Youth Panel Session and delivered a presentation on 'Digital Citizenship, Digital Literacy and Resilience' at the 'Regional Conference for Child Online Protection, organised by The Ministry for Women, Children and Community, MCMC and UNICEF in Malaysia.

23rd of March 2015: Sangeet was one of the facilitators of a Youth Forum workshop with a group of young people from Malaysia entitled - 'Children for a Better Digital World'.

December 1st 2014: Sangeet launched the findings of the Generation 2000 research programme she co-ordinated (with support from the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Logicalis and S4C) which explored the Internet and Digital Media Habits and Digital Literacy of 13 and 14 year olds in Wales.

7th of August 2014: Sangeet delivered a session on Digital Competency for Research Students as part of a longer programme by University of Agder - Faculty of Engineering & Science for PhD students on Scientific Project Creation & Management.

7th and 8th of July 2014: Sangeet from WISE KIDS delivered a 2 day programme for IMPACT-Alliance and the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission and their stakeholders in Malaysia.

4th of July 2014: Sangeet from WISE KIDS delivered two workshops at the RCGP's One Day Essentials Conference on Adolescent Health in London.

18th of June 2014: Sangeet delivered a presentation about Digital Citizenship at the Ed EXEC Conference in London

26th of June 2014: Sangeet from WISE KIDS and the Metropolitan Police hosted an awards evening to celebrate the achievements of the first cohort of young people from the Met Police Youth Council completing their WISE KIDS Digital Youth Awards: "Digital Youth Awareness Award", "Digital Youth Action Award" and "Digital Youth Ambassador Award".

16th of June 2014: As part of Adult Learner's week, Sangeet delivered a free workshop on Positive & Safe Use of Facebook, Twitter & Social Messaging Apps. To find out more, see      

June 2014: Publication of film clip that Sangeet worked on for the BBC WebWise Project is released: see

9th of June 2014: Sangeet delivered a presentation on Day 1: Youth and Skills themed event, of the 2 day Digital Wales 2014 conference, The presentation shared initial insights from a research programme undertaken by WISE KIDS (in partnership with the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Logicalis and S4C) between December 2013 and May 2014 which explores the digital media habits and digital literacy of Year 9 pupils in Wales.

Feb 2014: Worked with BBC Learning as a Family Online Safety Expert to produce 2 film clips for BBC WebWise: see and

Feb 2014 (ITU-COP Partners, Geneva): Delivered an interactive workshop: New Approaches in Tackling Child Online Protection – Online Safety, Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship. See:

Jan 2013- March 2014 (Ministry of Education, Singapore): Undertook a review of the secondary school Cyber Wellness curriculum. Also delivered workshops on Digital and New Media Literacies in Education for School Leaders, Heads of Department and Senior Staff from the Ministry of Education.

Feb 2014 (IMPACT Alliance & MCMC, Malaysia): Delivered a 2 day training programme for government Ministries, MCMC and other stakeholders: Promoting Online Safety, Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship for Young People.

2013-2014 (on-going): Coordinating and participating in a research programme (in partnership with S4C, Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Logicalis) exploring the Digital Media Habits and Literacy of Year 9 pupils in Wales.

2013-2014 (on-going): Creating and Piloting a New Digital Youth Ambassador Award with the Met Police Youth Council.

2013: Delivered a Digital Leader Programme for Professionals working with Children and Young People – in collaboration with Wrexham and Flintshire Local Children Safeguarding Boards.

2012: Co-authored a Chapter: Safer Caring in a Digital Age for the Fostering Network publication Safer Caring – A New approach.

2011-2012: Appointed a member of the Welsh Government Task & Finish Group which culminated in a report: Find It, Make It, Use It, Share It: Learning in Digital Wales.

2011: Developed and delivered a New Media & Information Literacy Programme for Librarians across Wales. See: